Friday 16 April 2010

Next Crop - 25th April

I hope you all had a good Easter and are ready for some more creative scrapbooking. The project will be a page map. Something quite simple but with lots of creative possibilities eg: faux stitching, rub-ons, stamping, ribbon drawing swirls, flowers and as many pictures as you fancy.

We will also be making the long awaiting announcement of the details for the 12 hour crop. The crop was a huge success last year and many of those who attended have been eagerly waiting for the details, we hope we can make it even better this year, so don't forget to come along and be the first to get you name on the list.
Looking foward to seeing you all on the 25th.
Jackie and Chris*

1 comment:

lynneO said...

Had fab time at my very first crop on Sunday. Enjoyed creating a layout from the page map provided and the lovely 'me' time. Do members upload photos of their creations?
Lynne x