Friday 26 February 2010

Journaling Prompt for February

The weather is continuing cold. Snow showers again throughout the month. Will it ever be spring? For all its cold it must not be far off. I snapped a picture of a frog on my patio at the beginning of the month and there are crocus braving the cold in the flower bed. Have you snapped any photos of wildlife you want to journal.? Who are the visitors to your garden bird table or feeders? Have you seen any early stirrings of spring?

If it is too early for flowers in the garden, how about in the house? Valentine’s day is traditionally celebrated with a gift of flowers or chocolates. Have you a secret or not so secret admirer you want to journal about?

We’ve also celebrated shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent. Do you have any Lenten traditions you want to record? What do you give up or do extra over the Lenten period?

For those thinking about art journaling try introducing some paint onto your journal pages. If you have some prime the page first with Gesso to stop the paint sinking into the card. Try applying your paint with foam applicators or baby wipes and see what effects you can create.

Chris & Jac

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