Friday 6 August 2010

Journaling Prompt for July

Sorry this prompt is a bit late but July has been a very busy month.

I have been thinking about endings and beginnings. July is the end of the school year. This year was the end of school for my daughter and I took the opportunity to snap a photo of her on her last day in the same place I took a photo of her on her first day. What a change! Try journaling about endings and beginnings this month or about growing and changing.

For those that are art journaling I’ve been to an art journaling class at Art From The Heart and thoroughly enjoyed it. A full weekend messing around with paint and paper creating pages from scratch..and I mean from scratch as we had to make the page first with newspaper! This month I would like you to try a monochromatic colour scheme. Try using 3 shades of the same colour. When you use colour in this way think about how we decorate our rooms at home. We usually have the lightest shade on the walls and that is the largest expanse of colour. Next the chairs, carpets etc tend to be a slightly darker shade and are placed against the lighter walls. Try applying the middle colour to 2 corners on the same side of your page and also an area on the middle of the opposite side. Finally we have the accessories which are the darkest shade and are scattered around the room. Use a small amount of the darkest colour to frame your page.

Chris & Jac

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