Monday 31 August 2009

Next Crop - 13th September

Crop Project - its fast approaching our next crop so here's some information on our class project. You will need to bring the following supplies:

2 sheets plain cardstock
2-3 sheets pattern paper
Narrow ribbon to fit through eyelets
Buttons - various sizes
Journaling tags
Swirl/flower stamps (We have some of these at the crop)
5”x7” portrait photo
and all your usual tools etc.

12 Hour Crop - not long now, we hope to be able to have an information sheet on what you need to bring etc available for you at the crop, but I will send it via email to all those who are attending. If you need to settle your balance can you please make sure they bring the money or if you aren't attending the crop please post to to us before the 13th.

Stamping-up Products - For those who placed an order Clare will be bringing the orders to the crop.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 13th.

Jackie and Chris

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