Wednesday 23 November 2011

Crop on Sunday 4 December 2011

Easel Gift Box

Chris has created a lovely project which is a combined easel card and gift box which would be ideal for that little gift for someone special.

You will need the following materials

2 sheets of the same coloured card plus some patterned paper to decorate – 1 sheet of A5 is enough to decorate whole box

Glue/double sided tape

Distress ink (optional)

and to decorate

3D embellishments, brads or buttons

Stamps, glitter glue and other material to embellish

Scrap of card for message

You will also need the following tools

Paper trimmer

Scoring board and tool

Pencil and ruler

Circle punch (optional)

Paper clips or clamps

and don't forget that this crop is our Christmas crop

Friday 21 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - Pics

Hope you liked the pictures from our 12 hour crop. I've chosen a random selection of projects to show you how different they all turned out and I'm sure you'll agree they are fab. Hope you all had a great day ...

Please view the photo stream in the sidebar for all the pictures. If anyone would like a copy of all the picture (just in case you want to do a scrapbook page) let us know and we'll send you a CD.

Friday 14 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - take a Peek 11

OK this is the last one, hope to see you all tomorrow at 9.00am - so don't forget to arrive on time, have a coffee before the first class at 9.30... See you all tomorrow.

Thursday 13 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 10

Another peek of one of the projects.. not saying which one ....

Can I remind you all not to forget to bring something for your lunch and a mug (saves the washing up) and the following tools which are required for the classes: 12" trimmer, scissors, craft knife, sanding block or sandpaper, non stick craft mat (if you have one), pencil, rubber, ruler (metric and inches), adhesives (tape and PVA), distress ink (optional), colouring pens or pencils (optional). It would also be useful if you have Paper Artsy Hot Picks 1006 and /or 1009 stamps we would be grateful if you could bring them along too. Oh and don't forget change for the raffle.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 9

Oh I do hope you are all getting excited, here's a project peek .. oh its fab.

While I've got your attention, if you are having difficulty getting your photo's the right size bring them to the crop on a memory stick or similar and I'll crop them to the correct size for you and if you have some A4 photo paper to print them on to could you bring that along too.

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 8

Not long now .... for those that have been asking this is the project you will need the photo's for. Here's a reminder of the photo sizes, one - 2" x 4", two - 1 3/4" x 3 3/4" and two - 1 1/4" x 3 1/4" all portrait. See take a peek 4 for the full range of papers.

Sunday 9 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 7

Just in case I don't get a change to post every day this week, here's another peek..

Saturday 8 October 2011

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Sunday 2 October 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 4

Hope you are all having a good weekend, here's another sneak peek to keep you going. Love these papers...... Oh its so hard to choose I hear you say ... just wait you'll all be in a dither.

Don't forget to leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you.

Friday 30 September 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 3

Not long now, sorry about the lag in posting, hope you are all getting your stash sorted.

Sunday 18 September 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 2

Well here's another one for you, hope you are all looking forward to it.

Sunday 11 September 2011

12 Hour Crop - Take a Peek 1

OK here's the moment you've all been waiting for - the first "take a peek", over the next few weeks we'll be posting snippets of some of the fantastic scrapbooking papers you will be using on the 15th October, they are so gorgeous. We hope you are looking forward to what will be a fantastic day.

Those who have registered for the 12 hour crop should have received the newsletter, if not please let us know (if you don't have email its on its way via Royal Mail) and if you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Jackie and Chris

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Next Crop - 11th September

The project for our next crop is something nice and easy and uses up all those scraps of cardstock/patterned papers, so dig through your stash and see what you can find, you will be amazed.

Here's a picture of the layout, you can choose your own embellishments etc and have some fun finding stash you didn't realise you had.

Oh nearly forgot, the 12 Hour Crop is fast approaching, hope you are all excited, we'll soon be posting snippets and sneaky peaks on the blog for you to swoon at. All those attending will also receive full details of what's on and what you will need to bring etc. and if you have any questions etc please don't forget to ask.

Sunday 7 August 2011

Next crop 14 August

It seems the hot item for 2011 is the "Smash Book" by K & Co. What the heck is a smash book, you ask?

Its a traditional style scrapbook but with a modern twist, a fun way of keeping your memories. For some of us it brings back memories of childhood or teenage years when we kept books with doodles, ticket stubs, photos, quotes and random writings. You may have seem similar items in the shops often they are sold as travel journals or garden journals .. you get my drift. Lots of places to write, stick and stuff stuff.

Well you know me, I took one look and thought "we can make these", but I think we should call them "Write, Stick and Stuff books".

So at the crop we'll have a go. All you need is:
3-4 sheet scrapbook paper (double sided cardstock is best)
patterned paper for the covers
scrapbooking embelishments: stickers, pockets, in fact anything you can find
plain paper or thin card for blank pages
ruled and squared paper*
pre-printed journal pages*
2 pieces chipboard for the covers**
bind it all wires**

* I have printable files for these, so if you would like them just email me.
** If you don't have any chipboard or wires we have some at the crop

I made mine an A5 sizes with 25 pages, I also used a wide piece of elastic to hold the book together with a loop for a pen or glue stick, so you can take it with you everywhere to write, stick and stuff stuff...

These are great for using up odd cardstock and stickers that you've had laid in the cupboard and will never use - so use them in your WSS book. They would also be a fab present for someone who would like to start scrapbooking and I'm sure children will love these too....

See you all next week..

Friday 8 July 2011

Next Crop 24th July

Poems, Quotes and Titles

How often do you see a poem, quote or title in a magazine or online and think "that's great - I'll remember that ... " Then a week or so later when you create a layout or journal page and think what was that quote I saw last week and you cannot remember it. Well this is an opportunity to never forget, we will create a mini book you can keep in your bag so you can write down or cut out and keep those poems, quotes and titles so they can never be forgotten.

You will need:
6-10 sheets A4 copier paper
A4 stiff card
scrapbook papers
Stamp and ink pad (to create shadow stamping)

If you love the above idea, why not create a larger book to keep at home to transfer all that information into. I created mine using a A4 ring file which I cut down to size (purchased for 90p from Sainsbury's), decorated with scrapbook papers and created plain and pocket pages for the inside.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 24th.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Next Crop - 19 June

Chris has created a lovely layout for the crop project using gorgeous butterfly dies that will be available to use at the crop.

She has used 1 sheet 12x12 plain cardstock with 2 pieces patterned cardstock, journaling card, some lettering and quote strip (you could create your own), photo turn and brad, small metal frame, some small flowers, small tag, scalloped circle and of course the gorgeous butterflies which you can cut from patterned paper.

Sunday 15 May 2011

Next Crop - 22nd May

Next crop is fast approaching, we've chose a nice easy project from the new pagemaps book that you will be able to use up all your bits and bobs on. Bring along some pieces of co-ordinating papers/cardstocks, journaling blocks, die cuts etc. There's even a bit of sewing if you fancy having a go.

Here's a pic to help you sort out some stash to bring.

For those who havn't registered for the 12 Hour Crop in October places are filling up fast. If you need a registration form please email us at and we'll email you one.

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Next Crop - 17th April

Apologies for the delay in posting its been a busy couple of weeks and we've not had much time to create a project so instead we'll use a pagemap. I've chosen something to represent Spring that uses lots of flowers, so bring along your boxes of flowers, punches, dies etc and we'll create some cheerful layouts. If you want to do a less girly theme, instead of flowers use different sizes of punched circles and brads. See you all on Sunday.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Date Changes

A couple of crop date changes for you.

Because the Isabella Centre has a booking for the large hall on the 17th July we have decided to move the crop to the 24th July.

The 12 Hour Crop has also been moved from the 8th to 15th October as some of our regulars weren't able to make it on the 8th.

We will be posting details of the 12 hour crop over the coming weeks with registration starting at the next crop, don't forget to get the 15th October marked in your diaries.

See you all soon.. Jackie and Chris

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Next Crop 3rd April

Well its nearly time for our next crop and we have a fun layout with a bit of a twist for you this time.
You will need the following supplies:
1 12x12 sheet cardstock for base, 1 12x12 sheet in contrasting or neutral colour, 1 12x12 sheet patterned paper
Cardstock for matting and title
1 large photo (eg 16cmx13cm)
Between 4 and 6 smaller photos (eg 6.5cmx7.5cm) - you can trim larger photo's to fit
Doodling Pens
Craft knift and mat
Large shaped template (supplied)
Pricky tool

I'll post a picture soon. Hope to see you all on the 3rd.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

6th March Crop - CANCELLED

Unfortunately we have had to cancel the crop scheduled for the 6th March due to the heating at the Isabella Centre not working.

We could reschedule to the following Sunday 13th March, but only if we have enough people. If you are able to attend on the following Sunday please let us know by email, we will confirm once we have enough attending.

Thanks and huge apologies Jackie and Chris

Friday 25 February 2011

Next Crop - 6th March - CANCELLED

Our next crop will be Sunday 6th March and our project will be a scrapbook page with shaped cardstock, flowers and buttons. If you wish to follow you will need the following supplies:

1 sheet plain cardstock
1 sheet 12" shaped cardstock - but if you don't have any I have some templates you can use to make your own
4-5 pieces of approx 12x4 plain and patterned cardstock
plain cardstock to mount photo's
3 landscape photo's
3" flower or use one of the crop flower dies
thin ribbon/twine
filing tabs and photo corners - I'll show you how to make these if you don't have any
lettering for title

For those of you who haven't finished the door hanger from the 12 hour crop bring that along with some patterned papers and we'll have some fun sharing ideas and completing the project.

See you all on the 6th.. Jackie and Chris*

Wednesday 2 February 2011

Next Crop - 13 February

Don't forget our next crop will be the 13 February and we'll be having a couple of projects, little wall/door hanger as well as a scrapbook page.

For the scrapbook page you will need:
2-3 sheets patterned cardstock & plain to mount your photo(s)
1 - 6x4 photo or 2-3 smaller ones
Lettering for the title

We'll be making the flowers featured in my sample layout below or if you prefer bring some of your own.

For the wall or door hanging, we'll provide the chipboard shape all you need to bring is some cardstock/paper to cover both sides, ribbon and/or lace and you can use the same flowers to decorate.

Hope to see you all on the 13th February, I need to add some journaling to my layout hopefully I'll get it finished at the crop

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Next Crop - 9 January 2011

Hope you all had a great break and a ready to start a new year of scrapbooking. I'm sure you all have taken lots of photographs over the Christmas and are eager to record the festivities in a scrapbook page, for the first crop of the year we've put together a double page spread that you can include lots of your photographs and I'm also sure (like me) you have lots of Christmas papers that rarely get used so we are going to combine the two and create a great memorable page.

You will need:
2 - 4x6 portrait photo's
1 - 6x8 landscape photo (or approximate size)
1 - 6x4 landscape photo
1 - 3x5 portrait photo (approx)
2 sheets 12x12 plain cardstock
3-4 sheets 12x12 christmas patterned cardstock
3 - 12" pieces of ribbon or rickrack
3-4 brads
Christmas stickers/embellishments
Plain cardstock for journaling and mounting some of the photo's
The usual sticky stuff etc.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 9th. We will be holding the Crop in the back room instead of the hall, we found it warmer, cozy and more sociable, unfortunately there is less space so you may have to share a table.

See you all soon ... Jackie and Chris

Monday 3 January 2011

Journaling Prompt for December

Well this is the last prompt for this journal. Did you manage to keep up and do an entry every month? Don’t worry if you didn’t you can always catch up. Use your December entry to record your memories of Christmas either this year or of a previous year. What Christmas traditions do you have? What last minute Christmas preparations did you make? What was your best (or worst) Christmas present or what was the most unusual or unexpected?

You could also use this entry to record your New Year Eve traditions. Is your New Year quiet stay at home and see the new year in with family and friends or do you like to party? Looking back did you keep last year’s resolutions? What are your resolutions going to be for the coming year?

For art journals lets add some bright colours, glitter or bling to finish the year on a sparkly note.

Happy New Year

Chris & Jac